Atlikti darbai ir projektai


Priešgaisrinių darbų ir paslaugų asociaciją, dalyvaudama tarptautinio konsorciume, prisidėjo rengiant, organizuojant ir pravedant tarptautines pratybas EU – CHEM REACT. Projektą iš dalies finansavo Europos sąjungos civilinės saugos mechanizmas.  Iš Lietuvos dalyvavo savanoriai ugniagesiai, kurie kartu su Latvijos, Lenkijos, Čekijos, Ukrainos kolegomis demonstravo savo žinias ir įgūdžius, reaguojant į cheminius bei radiacinius įvykius. Asociacijos nariai aktyviai talkino savanoriams, rengiantis projektui – pravedė eilę mokymų ir pratybų.  Plačiau apie projektą čia.


Pirmojo projekto patirtys ir išmoktos pamokos pademonstravo, kaip svarbu pasidalinti EU civilinės saugos mechanizmo veikimo principais su kaimyninėmis šalimis. Atsižvelgę į aukštą EU specialistų vertinimą, bei didžiulį kaimyninių ne Europos sąjungos narių susidomėjimą, dalyvaujame Europos Sąjungos fondų finansuojamame projekte EU – CHEM REACT 2. Šiame projekte dalyvauja Baltarusijos, Čekijos, Latvijos, Lenkijos, Lietuvos, Moldovos, Ukrainos specialistai. Plačiau apie projektą čia. Projektą finansuoja ES.

Dėl COVID-19, baigiamosios lauko pratybos vyks 2021 rugsėjo mėn.

Rugsėjo 27- 29 dienomis Lvove vyko pirmosios lauko pratybos po COVID pandemijos metu sustabdytų veiklų. Nors situacija pareikalavo labai daug papildomo darbo, tačiau pratybos praėjo sklandžiai, dalyvaujant net 16 ES šalių stebėtojų.

Net trys Asociacijos narai buvo įtraukti į pratybų vertintojų komandą ir teikė savo pastabas pratybų vertinimo ataskaitai.

Gaisrinės saugos specialistų mokymai

2020 spalį vyko statybos techninės veiklos pagrindinių sričių vadovų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo mokymai  – seminaras “Priešgaisrinės saugos problemų spendimai statybose”.

2021 06 09 – 11 Vilniuje vyko Statybos techninės veiklos pagrindinių sričių vadovų  kvalifikacijos tobulinimo mokymai.


Europos Sąjungos finansuojamas projektas siekia patobulinti greitą nelaimių rizikos valdymą Rytų Europoje ir Artimuosiuose Rytuose, stiprindamas kolektyvinį civilinės apsaugos ir nelaimių valdymo efektyvumą ir veiksmingumą. Ankstesniuose projektuose įgyta patirtis leidžią dar plačiau dalintis turimomis žiniomis su kolegomis.

Konsorciumas apjungia valstybinio, akademinio, industrinio lygio civilinės saugos specialistus iš Baltarusijos, Jordano, Lenkijos, Lietuvos, Moldovos, Ukrainos, Vokietijos. Taip pat prie projekto prisideda kolegos iš tarptautinių organizacijų  Council of Baltic Sea States, UN OCHA, WHO, OPCW. Daugiau apie projektą NET-CBRN-REACT Media_Brief.

Lapkričio 24 dieną net 20 įvairių šalių ekspertų susijungė į bendrą susitikimą vykdydami projekte numatytas veiklas. Nors COVID neleido susitikimo daryti gyvai, tačiau priimti sprendimai, leidžiantys toliau dirbti siekiant išsikeltų tikslų. Trumpas pristatymas angliškai žemiau.

NET-CBRN-REACT partners agree on scenario guidelines: exercises should be credible and challenging

What if a dangerous chemical spills during a flood? What if a chemical plant is too close to a large
forest fire? How to protect communities and environment from hazardous materials in the most
effective way? How to work together if the accident is close to the national border? Scenariobased
exercises are the best way for finding answers to these questions. It is the closest the
responders can get to testing their skills in the real accident.
On 24 November 2021, NET-CBRN-REACT project gathered 20 experts from five countries and the
European Commission for the first workshop to agree on guidelines for preparation of realistic and
challenging disaster scenarios. The workshop was planned to be held in Lviv, Ukraine, but due to
the worsening epidemiological situation was converted to a fully digital event and split into two
In the first part, the participants, who came from international organisations, research and training
institutions and civil protection agencies discussed the draft guidelines, presented by the ICCSS
Program Director, Dr Lech Starostin. The guidelines emphasised plausibility and adequate level of
complexity as important factors for a successful scenario-based exercise. It can be achieved by
preparing credible prior history narration, event incident description and detailed list of scenario’s
After agreeing on the guidelines as a main framework for developing disaster scenario templates
the participants will move on to the next part of the workshop, which will be aimed at developing
detailed scenarios for table-top and field exercise templates for major forest fires and floods.
These disasters were chosen by the consortium as the most relevant for the countries participating
in the project.
Development and approval of scenarios and the establishment of on-line experts support network
will be in focus during the second part of the workshop, which will be held online on 20th December
NET-CBRN-REACT is set to improve response capacity of participating countries to use the Union
Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) and to contribute to the development of its newly established
Knowledge Network by engaging partners outside EU.


Safer with neighbours: NET-CBRN-REACT partners prepared cross-border disaster scenarios. Next step – exercise templates.


Despite the ongoing pandemic, NET-CBRN-REACT partners continued their planned work on the development of scenario-based approaches in trainings and exercises – to help first responders from EU and neighboring countries improve their skills in dealing with disasters involving hazardous materials. Instead of the planned physical workshop in Lviv, Ukraine, the project consortium planned and carried out a series of online workshops: on 24 November 2021, where the partners agreed on the scenario guidelines, on 20 December 2021 and 20 January 2022. The last two workshops in the series were dedicated to creating and approving concrete scenarios for exercises using country-specific conditions.

Ukrainian partners from the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine presented a scenario in which a major forest fire threatens not only a residential area but also a container with ammonia. Partners from the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations in Moldova suggested an exercise in which a flood damages houses and pastures while also overturning train cisterns with oil – with potential consequences for both Moldova and neighboring Romania and Ukraine. Flooding, caused by heavy snow, was in the focus of another scenario from Ukraine: experts from the Lviv State University of Life Safety suggested to explore potential emergency response to drinking water contamination, caused by a tanker truck falling from a bridge. Since this scenario unfolds on the border between Ukraine, Slovak Republic and Hungary, a system for effective and timely cross-border communication is required for evacuation and provision of safe drinking water to the affected population.

Creating this type of detailed scenarios with a credible story and high level of details and realising them in either table-top exercises or field exercises helps civil protection authorities from different countries to improve their response capacity and be ready to work with their peers across borders if a crisis strikes.

The leader of the project, Ambassador Krzysztof Paturej emphasised the consortium’s focus on the end result in his concluding speech in the workshop series: “In the end we will offer a unique instrument to the national partners: scenarios that they can develop for their country or organisation and the ability to conduct an exercise. This will be also very useful for the UCPM Knowledge Network.”




Next step for the project – organising the next workshop in May 2022 – where the partners will agree on templates for exercises based on the selected scenarios and look deeper at cross-cutting issues that might be triggered by them. Such cross-cutting issues as involvement of journalists, use of social media, communication to vulnerable groups will add value to the scenarios and make them useful for a larger audience of stakeholders.


NET-CBRN-REACT is set to improve response capacity of participating countries to use the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) and to contribute to the development of its newly established Knowledge Network by engaging partners outside EU.



Tai dar vienas mūsų asociacijos ir užsienio partnerių bendras darbas. COVID 19 pareikalavo daug nestandartinių sprendimų ir Civilinės saugos mechanizmo taikyme. Kartu bus galima surati optimalius sprendinius ir pasidalinti jais ne tik ES viduje bet ir su strateginiais partneriais. Plačiau apie projektą – bendrame pranešime.


Civil Protection Beyond Borders 

EURO-MED-REACT as a new  EU exercises project for Eastern Europe and Middle East

            In such a complex and ever-changing risks, what COVID19 pandemic demonstrated, and in front of increased natural disasters, and growing hybrid threats, there is a need for more effective prevention, preparedness, and response. European Union has offered a comprehensive Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) and EU tools to assist national and international communities to mitigate all kinds of natural and man-made disasters and emergencies.

            EURO-MED-REACT is a new EU funded project, with  aim to align European Neighbourhood Policy countries in Eastern Europe and the Middle East with the European Union civil protection and crisis management policies and EU tools, through a series of exercises in 2022 and 2023.

EURO-MED-REACT takes stock and builds upon successful implementation by the multi-stakeholder international  consortium of EU-CHEM-REACT (2017 – 2018) and continued implementation of EU-CHEM-REACT 2 (2019-2021) ICCSS led projects. These projects developed and conducted first European civil protection exercises in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine ( They were important activities to deepen relations with the EU in civil protection.

EURO-MED-REACT membership and partnership represents a broad multi-stakeholder and whole-government approach combining capacities of local authorities, government institutions, academia, industries and civil society organisations from EU (Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia), Eastern European Neighbouring Countries (Moldova and Ukraine) and the Middle East (Jordan). A group of national and international partners confirmed interest and were invited to participate in the project activities, including state agencies form Croatia, Germany, Georgia, Latvia, international organisations: OPCW, WHO, UN OCHA, INTERPOL.

The project exercises will be conducted in block approach, with Table Top Exercise (TTX) in Ukraine in 2022 and one Full Scale Field Exercise (FSX), as main event, in Moldova, in 2023. The exercises are built on a thorough assessment of risks which guided the developed scenario. Moldova, where FSX is proposed, planned, has confirmed growing risks caused by extreme weather conditions, including floods and aging gas and energy network infrastructure. The exercises scenario will consider the response to hybrid threats against critical  and border infrastructure in participating countries. During the exercises all EU instruments in civil protection crisis management will be tested.

EURO-MED-REACT promotes abd develops Union Civil Protection Mechanism UCPM as comprehensive framework for international cooperation to use ECPM in disaster prevention, preparedness and response. The project contributes to the implementation of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network by developing platform of shared knowledge and expertise, good practices and networking on civil protection and disaster risk management in the EU and the wider Neighbourhood. The project implement the UN Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction by providing a better understanding of disaster risks in regions of Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

The project implementation will  result in improvement both in-country and international coordination – with an emphasis on UCPM and EU tools – of preparedness for and response to natural and man-made disasters. Thus the European Neighbourhood Policy countries in Eastern Europe and the Middle East will align with  the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) and EU tools.

EURO-MED-REACT Members and Partners

International Centre for Chemical Safety and Security (ICCSS) in Warsaw, Poland– initiated and runs the international consortium EU-CHEM-REACT, which was awarded an EU grants for years 2017-2018 and 2019 – 2020. ICCSS possess major management experience in international projects with regional dimension, including in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and broad contacts in the region.

 General Directorate of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic (HZSCZ)  national civil protection organ – EU-CHEM-REACT observer and EU-CHEM-REACT 2 beneficiary; possesses natural disaster response and operational capacities and experience on use of UCPM and EU tools, will provide chemical module and search and rescue module for FSX

The General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova (DSMD)  EU-CHEM-REACT observer and EU-CHEM-REACT 2 beneficiary,  national civil protection organ; possesses CBRN and natural disaster response capacities and experience in organization and conduct of exercises, provider of exercise capacities (fire service units, chemical module, search and rescue unit, host of FSX in 2023.

The General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of Romania (GIES),  EU-CHEM-REACT and EU-CHEM-REACT 2 observer – national civil protection organ – possesses natural disaster response and operational capacities and experience on use of UCPM and EU tools, will provide chemical module and search and rescue module for FSX

Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic Section of Crisis Management  – national civil protection organ – possesses natural disaster response and operational capacities and experience on use of UCPM and EU tools, will provide chemical module and search and rescue module for FSX

Lviv State University of Life Safety, Ukraine (LSULS)– national leading education and training facility in fire service – Associate Beneficiary in EU-CHEM-REACT and EU-CHEM-REACT 2, broad competence in substantive and support staff, and a modern technical base to conduct trainings and exercises, host of TTX in 2022

Fire Safety Works and Services Association in Lithuania (PDPA) leading national civil protection industry association; possesses experience, contacts and training capacities to conduct practical activities in crisis management, including ECPP, will coordinate participation of volunteer fire services during FSX.

ASEZAAqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, Jordan,  a major industry area with major port, transportation hub, storage sites,  in Jordan, at border with Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia – provider of industrial expertise in industrial emergencies, active participation in the development an conduct (in training mood) of the industry related scenario in Jordan, and host of the First Planning Conference.


United Nations

UN OCHA – participant of EU-CHEM-REACT 2 exercises – coordination of effective and principled humanitarian action;

INSARAG  – global network of more than 90 countries and organizations under the United Nations umbrella which deals with urban search and rescue

 WHO – participant of EU-CHEM-REACT 2 exercises – provision of methodology and conduct of training Table Top Exercise on use of bio agents national reporting on chem-bio disasters within use of International Health Regulations (IHT). 

 OPCW – participant of EU-CHEM-REACT 2 exercises – verification of use of chemical weapons and international assistance in case of use of chemical weapons;

 INTERPOL – criminal aspects of misuse of chemical agents

 WCO – World Customs Organisation – transit of chemical agents


The Emergency Management Service, The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia – national civil protection agency; possesses CBRN and natural disaster response capacities and experience in organization and conduct of exercises;

 Feuerwehr Dortmund – Dortmund Fire Service (FDD);, possesses CBRN disaster response and operational capacities and experience on use of UCPM; provider of technical capacities for FSX.

 Jordan Armed Forces (JAF) civil protection organ -possesses CBRN and natural disaster response capacities and experience in organization and conduct of exercises. JAF is ICCSS partner in the implementation of the Middle East Chemical Safety and Security Program